The advantages of investing in a modern industrial building

Investing in a modern industrial building requires an in-depth knowledge of the construction, safety, environmental and regulatory standards in force, such as the Installations Classées pour la Protection de l'Environnement (ICPE), the Décret tertiaire, the décret bacs and the Loi LOM . These regulations, which vary according to use (workshop, storage, factory, laboratory), are essential to guarantee safety, energy efficiency and environmental compliance.
By complying with these standards, you not only ensure legal compliance, but also maximise the durability and performance of your investment. Key criteria include choice of materials, accessibility, safety and thermal insulation, in line with the RERE2020 regulation, the requirements of the tertiary sector decree and other environmental regulations, which impose reductions in energy consumption for tertiary sector buildings.
This article explores the benefits of an industrial building that complies with current standards, and how this compliance can reduce legal risks, optimise energy efficiency and increase property value, while meeting environmental obligations.

Better compliance and reduced legal risks

Compliance with regulations is essential for industrial buildings. These standards govern crucial aspects such as fire and explosion prevention, environmental protection and accessibility. For example, ICPE imposes strict requirements for managing environmental risks, such as the storage of hazardous materials or pollution prevention, while RE2020 and the tertiary sector decree aim to reduce the energy footprint of buildings.
Obtaining certifications such as HQE (Haute Qualité Environnementale), BREEAM very good or excellent or LEED demonstrates environmental compliance and energy performance. These labels, awarded after an independent audit, strengthen the confidence of partners and customers, while making it easier to obtain operating permits for buildings subject to ICPE regulations.

Long-term benefits of regulatory compliance

Compliance with environmental and safety standards, such as ICPE, minimises legal and financial risks. Non-compliance can lead to penalties or even closure, seriously affecting the business. By ensuring compliance, you can avoid these risks while enhancing your company's reputation.
In addition, complying with the Bac and Tertiary Decrees by optimising energy efficiency not only reduces operating costs, but also enhances the value of your property assets. Investing in technologies such as solar panels or intelligent energy management systems can deliver long-term savings, while improving profitability and competitiveness.

Impact on sustainability and long-term costs

Adopting energy-efficient solutions contributes directly to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, bringing companies into line with sustainable development objectives while complying with the requirements of the tertiary sector decree. As well as protecting the environment, these initiatives enhance the company's reputation with environmentally conscious customers and partners.
In economic terms, optimising energy efficiency generates significant savings, especially in the face of rising energy costs. According to the Union of Energy-using Industries, adopting such measures can improve the return on investment in the long term, making companies more competitive.
There are, for example, less carbon-intensive building solutions available at financial terms that are compatible with industrial and logistics projects.
Less carbon-intensive concrete can reduce the CO2 impact of construction by more than 25%.

Increasing property value and attracting talent

Modern industrial buildings that comply with regulations such as ICPE and environmental regulations are seeing their value appreciate on the market. Certifications such as HQE or BREEAM are becoming essential, making them more attractive to tenants and buyers, especially as demand for sustainable, high-performance spaces continues to grow.
Improved infrastructure, such as rest areas, intelligent systems or enhanced security, creates a more attractive working environment, which helps to recruit and retain talent. A modern, environmentally-friendly working environment improves employee satisfaction and reinforces the company's image as an employer of choice.
In logistics buildings, for example, the implementation of survival zones in front of docks has become a market standard.


Investing in a modern industrial building that complies with regulatory standards, including ICPE, the tertiary sector decree, the BACS decree, the LOM law and, in the near future, photovoltaic shading systems, offers major advantages: improved compliance, reduced legal risks, greater energy efficiency and enhanced value for money. By integrating energy-efficient technologies and sustainable practices, you can ensure a long-term profitable investment, while meeting the expectations of employees and business partners.
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